School Purchases
[ eeps ]
5269 Miles Avenue, Oakland, CA 94618-1044
866.341.3377 voice, 866.879.7797 fax (toll-free)

What You Need to Know

We are happy to accept purchase orders. or fax them to 866.879.7797. We add the cost of shipping to the price of the book and bill you after we ship. For US orders of one book, that shipping cost is $5.05 (but goes down dramatically for multiple copies).

If you're in a place that has to turn us into a vendor in order to buy from us, our Federal EIN is 94-3158966.

For specific information on the books, see the products page directly.

Discounts. If you buy 5 or more United We Solve or A Den of Inquiry, you get a 20% discount. If you buy 25 or more of these books (suppose you're doing a county inservice), you get a 40% discount.


Last updated July 2, 2007